200 hours Hatha Yoga teacher training course

The 200-hour Hatha yoga teacher training course and Yin Yoga Teacher Training course is an intensive course that allows you to become a certified Yoga Teacher while studying two yoga courses in one. The first weeks of this yoga teacher training program depend on Hatha Yoga while the last weeks depend on Yin Yoga.
The Hatha part of the course helps you to deepen your spiritual understanding and practice of yoga. You can expand your knowledge of Asanas by paying attention to the key alignments and anatomical structures involved. And also from various important Hatha Yoga texts, you can gain in-depth knowledge of Pranayama, meditation, Shata Karma, and other practices. In the Yin part of this course, you practice and learn the techniques of Yin Yoga.
This 200 Hours Hatha Yoga teacher training course is best for you:
  • If you have been practicing yoga continuously and want to move to the next level.
  • If you want to increase your knowledge of traditional Yoga, Philosophy, Meditation, Pranayama, and other yoga practices.
  • If you have a strong desire of helping others to live a better and healthier life.
  • If you want to become a well-rounded yoga teacher.
  • If you want to offer learn all the principles of Hatha and Yin Yoga.
Some topics taught in this section of the yoga teacher training are:
  • Hatha Yoga Pradeepika
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads and Hatha Yoga
  • The Four paths of Yoga
  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Diet according to Hatha Yoga
  • Ethical guidelines for yoga teachers

  • The syllabus and guidelines set by Yoga Alliance USA for 200 hours yoga teacher training courses are as follows:
Meditation and Pranayama-

This module teaches various meditation and Pranayama techniques and and teaches how to implement them in different situations.

·         Shatakarma-

During Shata karma class the students are used to be taught the yogic cleansing techniques such as:
·         Jal Neti
·         Nauli
·         Kunjal Kriya
·         Kapalbhati
·         Agnisar Kriya

·         Asana Class- 

      Asana is different types of Postures a person can do. During the Asana class, the students will learn about different postures for doing Hatha Yoga. They will also learn how to use yoga props.

·         Philosophy-

Yoga Philosophy is also one of the major parts of this training. This module covers the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

·         Anatomy-

This module covers a complete study of human anatomy, functions in regards to Yogic principles. Anatomy helps in understanding how to make the best posture and alignment easily.

·         Teaching Methodology/Art of Teaching-

In these classes, the students learn how to teach efficiently. They get different tips about the art of teaching Yoga.

·         Practicum-

In this section, the students learn by watching others teaching. The main aim of this module is to prepare newly certified instructors with the skills to teach.

·       Yoga Teacher Ethics/Philosophy and Lifestyle ethics-
    This module course covers the following topics which are extremely helpfulfor the trainees:
1   Teacher-student relationship
.     How to present yourself
.     Yoga posture adjustments
.     Principles of Yoga teacher

So, if you are searching for the best yoga institute 200 who offers this course. Krishna Yoga Shala is the best Yoga teacher training institute in Hyderabad. You can get certification for Yoga teachers easily from there. So for more information, and to make an appointment, you can check the website https://krishnayogashala.com/ of it or you can call on the number which is mentioned on the website of Krishna Yoga Shala.


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